Friday, 3 November 2017


Now a days we see that children are very active and good learners.they have good communication skills and are keen observer. The school going children are more interested in extra curricular activities and participated in learning opportunities.some of the students have best learning powers
but some students take time to understand the things. it is the duty of parents and teachers to help them and guide them regarding subject matter give them proper time table and share their difficulties .the activities of brilliant students must be watched they must utilize their talent in positive direction .teachers counselors and parents must find their best interest.learning difference is not a big issue ,but development a sincere understanding can enhance their learning abilities.
AMANA is a small girl of sixth standard .she forgets her lesson in exams ,so she need more practice of learning but parents instead of helping are more anxious about her grades in class .she shared that her class teacher do not appreciate her for having good writing skill.she is innocent and can be improved with love care attention and mutual understanding of parents and teachers 
shumiala Asif  
(CAL )
Educational consultant

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