Saturday, 4 November 2017

How terrible the summer in Pakistan

The world is beautiful place in the universe, when the world will become peaceful place? God created this world peaceful place on earth. But the natural and man-made circumstances has spoiled the environment and made this place a terrible place for living things, which include humans, animals and birds.
The increasing developments to find more and more facilities and leisure’s for life, the scientific changes have destroyed the natural beauty of the world.
As writer in the essay “whistling of birds” describes that winter in western parts of the world is not source of life, but it becomes source of death for the birds.  
Winter season in Pakistan is not much terrible in the eastern sides but it is worse in the north. In Pakistan northern areas do not have many developments for safe and security regarding weather conditions in winter and also infrastructure is poor for people’s safety as well as for animals.
If we talk about summer season in Pakistan, as many writers they describe their observations that winter is worse and terrible in western countries, I would say that hot weather or summer is terrible in plain areas in Pakistan. Especially for the poor people the summer is not a blessing but ------------.
The temperature is at peak in plain areas, it increases up to 50 c0 . The sun radiations makes everything warm, even it sometime burn everything.
It is very surprising fact that people die of heat, just they did not have facilities to keep themselves safe. In whistling of birds, the writer says that birds die of winter, but here in our part of world humans die of hot summer, medical treatment, die of dengue, die of hunger etc. these are strange facts.
In summer most of the population of Pakistan sleeps outside in the courtyards of the house or in the streets under the open sky. Large numbers of communities do not enjoy basic facilities. Majority of the population live in 500 -800 sq-ft houses along with 8-10 family members, where some people wait for one another to go for job and others get chance to sleep. Most of the population are laborers have to work in the hot weather. That means these people do not enjoy comfort at work place and also do not have facility at home to sleep in peaceful and calm place.
Load shedding (power failure) is bitter truth which has made peoples life unsafe and miserable. People are helpless to claim for peaceful life. Hot summer weather is one calamity but the other man made calamity has been imposed by the government on the poor people.
Hot weather in summer is very dangerous for humans but it is terrible for animals and birds. Especially street dogs and cats and other pet animals die in summer. Summer becomes terrible when these animals and birds do not find place to hide them from hot calamity.

I myself feel frightened, when spring is passing and summer is going to start. I compare it as it is natural calamity from God, now people who are not strong enough to bear the hot weather conditions will be in difficulty. Hot summer will disturb many lives. When there is no electricity people use to hide under the shades of trees and walls. Hours and hours heat plays with the lives of people. The sweating sometimes causes dehydration and ends at death penalty.      

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