Thursday, 22 June 2017

Summer Vacations and Summer Camps                            

Summer Vacations in Pakistan every year starts as the sun heat increases across the country. This year in 2017 summer vacations across the Punjab started with the increase in heat. As private and Govt. schools not having enough heat prevention facilities for the children to accommodate in the schools, so children are bound to stay home for 2 and half month for rest or studies.
It is a big question for all of us that why children given summer holidays?
a)       Is it for rest or to keep them safe from heat?
b)       What is the purpose of summer homework?
c)       What is the purpose of summer camps for children?
d)       Why to pay summer vacation fee to schools?
e)       Picnic/tours
Parents and teachers do not think that children must take rest during summer vacations, the children are sent to summer camps near the home based schools, they are sent to academies, or home tuitions are arranged to keep the child busy for study.
Does Summer Camp means to study only or to enjoy time by studying together with children groups?
Yes summer camp means to enjoy summer time by improving learning by different healthy activities. Children are put together into groups to study, either the syllabus text or another topics on social issues or current affairs. So by enjoying children learn more. Summer camp gives tension free environment to children to learn without any kind of fear or burden. 
As we see the weather conditions children do not bother about heat they want to enjoy in all circumstances. Parents want to keep them busy. Schools authorities given them homework to keep them in touch with studies instead of wasting time at home. Schools are worried about that if the child will stay home for couple of months and will not study will forget many things and that’s why the home work is designed for the children.
What are the advantages of summer vacation homework for children?
a)       Children get time to study.
b)       Children write, and improve their handwritings.
c)       Make best use of time during summer for studies
d)       Improve their learning  while studying with parents in their leisure time
 During summer vacations children also enjoy tours to hill stations with their parent. These tours are different from study tours as they visit with fellow children.
Every child enjoy different time during summer, some visit hills or some visits their relatives and stay with them long and enjoy with their cusions or friends, and enjoy Luddo, Carom board, cricket in the streets, or

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