When we talk about Schools and
Academies lot questions comes in mind. Why children are sent to school? Why children
are sent to Academies? What is the difference between School and Academy? Why schools
are not performing well that children rush towards academy to get good marks? Why
schools are not offering quality education? Why teachers do not teach well in
the schools? Why teachers in Academies teach well, and students believe that
they will get good marks?
Education has become nowadays a “big
6-7 hours in school and 3-4 hours in academy affect the social life of the
First of all if we look into the
difference between school and academy, there are many factors involve which
makes the difference, like Efficiency/Performance, information/awareness. In many
ways schools and academies are same types of institution; academies are short
term but also small institutions. But schools are long term institutions with big
infrastructures. Now day’s schools also work like academies in the evening time
just to raise income for survival. Schools
provide full environment to the students for studies, but academies to some
extent provide environment of studies but lack some criteria for facilities. No Difference between schools and
academies but is just to raise money or earn business.
Sending child in two places for
studies increase burden on child’s mind and stop physical growth. Mostly children
do not eat healthy food due to engagement in studies all the time; they just
eat biscuits, chips, cold drinks etc.
Most of the parents are
illiterate or do not have time to teach or do not have ability to teach. So they
find tutors for their children and the parents are ready to spend extra money
for tuitions.
Schools sometimes impose teaching
therefore teachers do not bother to teach well in the class room, mostly
teachers in schools do not teach with responsibility and sometimes suggest
children to join academies. There are two reasons for these problems, the
teachers have low income or salaries, and pressure from the management, and are
engaged into extra- curricular activities so that teachers cannot teach
Many academies are producing good
results, but these academies increase tuition fee as they get good results,
this is something strange trend, which shut the doors for poor students to
enter the good academies.
I would say “For Education, there
must be balanced approach for promotion, where all must have equal opportunities
and access for study”.
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