Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Tips on Class room management

Class room management is an essential component for best teaching skills. The following skills teacher must have:
1)      Time management: teacher must divide the period of time regarding previous knowledge ,implementation of lesson and home work delivery
2)      Well planned lesson:  teacher must be well equipped and must enter full prepared in class
3)      Participatory approach :  try to maximum involve the students and call the in front time to time
4)      Create interest in the subject matter: teacher material must be interesting and according to needs of the children
5)      Appropriate teaching methodology select best teaching method and make it easier for children and flexible when it is required
6)      Must develop Professional behavior :  inculcate  good teaching skills and behavior ,so u can be considered best teacher
7)      Avoid discrimination :  try to avoid personal liking and must treat equally to all
8)      Discipline : control the class in well mannered way
9)      Encouragement :  appreciate the students time to time
10)   Reflection of the personality : our own perfection and dedication can inspire them lot
11)   Create good environment :  make good sitting arrangement and environment

12)   Flexible teaching :  never make teaching material tough ,but make it more easier

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