Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Happy children day '

united nations has started to celebrate children day which was establish

 in 1954 on November 20th each year to promote international day together and spread the awareness among the children worldwide.In Pakistan almost million people are deprived of education facilities ,many children need good health ,education and shelter activities ,there is a much attention to be paid to their resources and good life facilities.children have right to speak ,express and enjoy good health .it is the duty of parents to give them care love and affection ,appreciate them when they do good,develop association and trust on them ,never threat them when they are doing wrong because man learn by making mistake.,teacher are responsible to teach them according to their level of learning and never insult them in class ,students never forget the good teachers and their teachings .always support them to take part in good learning activities.i wish all the children to good luck for future

shumiala asif  
cal education consulting 

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